Be Kompassion-ate, shall we?

I am ashamed to announce that this is the second posting on the blog for the year. Neglect is definitely the crime and I am caught red-handed. Well, I hate to come up with excuses but I really do have a few good reasons but anyway, I won't dwell on them. Just say, that I like to move-on and focus on the present, rather than to ponder over the past or over any milk spilled over. Anyway, I recall some 4 months ago and I had to verify that by checking my whatsapp message from a friend calling for accomplices, she called "porkers" for an assault at this certain dining place call Kompassion. I was busy and I couldn't participate. A few hours into dinner, these Porkers, starting whatsapping photos of their conquests to me, hoping to entice me to drop whatever I am doing and skydive over to join their compassionate indulgence. Evil porkers!!! Though my discipline was tested, I stood my grounds and did not relent to those seductive and horribly delicious looking photos. Tho...