Siem Reaping...

Siem Reap 2-5 Aug 2008

The only reason anyone would visit Siem Reap is Angkor Wat (my own personal opinion), which represents the proud heritage of the Khmer empire. One of those place you want to go quickly before it is gone. Well, that was my motivation at least but I am happy to report that there are some restoration and preservation work going on at the moment by the French, Japanese and the Indians (depending on which 'wat' you go to). So, don't worry if you think you are too late...

Anyway, Siem Reap is a small town... oh well, I didn't venture very far from the town centre to begin with and the reason was because I stayed in such a wonderful hotel... Hotel De La Paix (pronounced like "de-lah-peh"); Sorry if it sounds like some hokkien vulgarity. Colonial building dressed in avant-garde contemporary feel with subtle touches of Khmer heritage here and there. The deluxe room was spacious. I like the bathtub which is made out of a piece of marble and the water flows out from a slate carved out in the marble bath tub rather than from a tap. Service was excellent.

De la paix also boast to have the best restaurant in town, Meric. We sampled the khmer tasting menu (US$28++ per head). You have the option to pair your dinner with wine. If you are new to Khmer food, you will probably compare it to Thai food. My opinion is that it is not exactly 
 the same because I find Khmer food less spicy and definitely not sour but the cooking does use ingredients like sweet basil leave, lemon grass and lots of coconut milk... Our dinner with aperitif and wine came up to US$115 for two. I must mention that top marks goes to the presentation though. 
Breakfast is also served at the Meric and you can opt to sit indoor, ourdoor or have breakfast served to you on a giant swing daybed... the continental breakfast selection was good but I would suggest you skip the local fried noodle and yellow noodle soup. 

If you are longing for some local delights, you can get better across the road at a local eatery. Please try the baguette... served with a piece of pickle and some ham. Be warned... the food is nice but be prepared to be swatting flies and bearing with the stench from the drain. 


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