Seoul 12-16 Sep 2008 (Part 1)

This is my second time in Seoul and this trip was a very different one compared to the previous. No shopping, no sightseeing... just a whole lot of eating and drinking.

Thanks to my Korean friends, I now can appreciate what is good Korean food and more interestingly, I can now claim that I understand their drinking culture better. I had discovered that there are only 3 reasons to stop drinking... #1 - it is morning already,  #2 - you are completed wasted and can't even open yours eyes (while the rest of your friends dual on while you huddle in the corner asleep) and #3 - if you or one of your friend gets into a fight... we did a #3 on the first night and a #1 on the second... ^^

As for the food... let me start with Day 0, Sep 12 onboard flight KE642 (Korean Air) from Singapore to Seoul

"Bibimbap"... you are probably very familiar with bibimbap. You find it on the menu in all korean restaurants and even in the food courts. As for the airlines version, the rice comes in a separate pack, minced beef and other garnishing are served in a separate bowl and the sauce is in a tube... Very simple, just add the rice onto the bowl, add sauce onto the rice and just mix everything thoroughly. It was quite delicious for airlines food... : ) Only wish that it had more meat. Perhaps in chunks ; p

Day 1, Sep 13 - Lunch (Spicy Fish Soup)
According to my Korean friends... this is the best fish soup in town. Can't recall exactly what's the name of the location. Anyway, even if I have the address... it would be difficult for a foreigner to find this place and that applies to all the other restaurants during my trip. So, that's why you can only enjoy these delicious delights when you have a local to show you around. I did ask what is the name of the restaurant though... "Won". Again, I have posted a photo of the location. So, if you are lucky enough to have a local guide... show him the picture. He will probably know where this place is.
I have had korean spicy fish soup before... the last time was in the Korean restaurant in Amara Hotel. I recalled that the fish stomach was a tinge fishy. Not a big fan of fishy stuff but I will normally eat it anyway [so pig]... Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't fishy at all and it was not that the kimchi soup was more spicy... perhaps it could be the strong flavour from the combination of the vegetable and mushroom which may have absorb the fishy taste... I am not sure.  One thing I am certain, the fish soup was really good.

Day 1, Sep 13 - Dinner (Korean Charcoal BBQ)
Well... this was quite authentic; Located at the Jongno area. It was on the second floor, sort of a sheltered balcony... 5-6 tables. The hot plate is placed on a charcoal flame. While the centre of the plate is exposed to the heat, water is poured through the side of the hotplate, I guess to prevent the hotplate from overheating I suppose ;p 

The other thing I learned was... you start by removing the stalks from the mushrooms and place some in the middle of the hotplate together with some garlic. The heat will cook the garlic and mushroom stalk which is later added as a garnish to the lettuce and meat wrap. Also nice eaten by itself... dipped into some onion, wasabi, soy sauce. 

As for the mushroom bells, place them along the sides of the hot plate... remember "pouring the water into the hot plate" bit? Well, underneath the hot plate the water will boil and will release steam that will slowly cook the mushroom. The mushrooms will then release its juice. Apparently, the mushroom juice is good for the men [wink wink].

Day 1, Sep 14 Supper (Street Sashimi)
After a lot of Soju, beer and vodka concoction, we were off to supper. Street food in Seoul is a treat for those who are adventurous and certainly not for the weak stomached. 

Yes, this is what you will find on the menu. We ordered "jeoneo" (herring-like fish, very popular in autumn) and octopus. The stall owner will fish them out from the aquariums... chop, chop, chop and there you have it. The octopus tentacle was still moving when I pop it into my mouth. So that I don't feel the tentacle squirming and wiggling, I resorted to frantic chewing and gulping down my food. It was not exactly tasty. All you taste is the wasabi soy sauce. It was chewy... very chewy especially the octopus. Eating jeoneo was actually quite a strange feeling because you have bits of the skin and bones with it as well... more frantic chewing! Well, it was a great experience : )


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