A 96 hour #instafood journey - Ep 2 #train2eat #streetfood

My first collaboration with Malaysia Airlines and the assignment was to host top bloggers from the United Kingdom on a street food escapade downtown city centre. I had so much fun!

Published on Jun 22, 2013
If there's one thing that's well known about Malaysia throughout the world, it's culinary delights that we often take for granted.

5 UK's top bloggers took the streets of Kuala Lumpur & Malacca in search of the best foods Malaysia has to offer, while taking in the sights & sounds of the two cities which are clear cut opposites.

Paul Dow -- TravMonkey, https://twitter.com/travmonkey
Chrissie Walker -- Mostly Asian Food & Travel,https://twitter.com/mostlyfood1
Julie Falconer -- A Lady in London,https://twitter.com/aladyinlondon
Victoria Brewood -- Pommie Travels,https://twitter.com/pommietravels
Charlotte Giver -- Your Coffee Break,https://twitter.com/UrCoffeeBreak


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