The Charm of Old Malaya - #MH48hours

Episode 2 - The Charm of Old Malaya #MH48hours brought to you by Malaysia Airlines and train2e@t.

Published on Sep 13, 2013

A 48 hours layover in Kuala Lumpur is plenty of time for a mini adventure. Join Danny Chen, the author of Train2e@t, in this episode as he discovers some of Kuala Lumpur good old charm.

Spend the quite afternoon enjoying English Afternoon Tea with a Malaysian twist at the Orchid Conservatory of The Majestic Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. A short walk from the hotel, discover some of the cities oldest building including Kuala Lumpur Railway Station & the National Mosque.Take a train to Bandaraya station and explore the busy street of Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman and stop for dinner at the Coliseum Cafe, one of the oldest serving restaurant in Kuala Lumpur.For supper, catch a train to Kampung Baru station and try out one of the famous Nasi Lemak in town at Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa.In the morning, spend a few hours and visited the exhibits of Islamic arts throughout history at the Islamic Art Museum.


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